Research Papers of Mark P. Van Oyen Rev 12-2022
Selected Papers Under Review and Work in Progress: (Underlining indicates that I provided significant guidance to the co-author when a graduate student)
Areas & Legend of Mnemonic Labels (Search to find related papers)
[HOps] Healthcare Operations Management and Engineering
[Log] Logistics & Humanitarian Operations
[MDM] Medical Decision Making (Personalized)
[Flex] Flexible Operations (-Labor, -Robots, -Supply Chain)
[Flex-SCM] Flexible Supply Chains and Disruption Mitigation (Resilience)
[Flex-Ship] Flexible Ship Production (Operations)
[ML] Machine Learning
[ML+Opt] Machine Learning with Joint Decision Making/Optimization
[Sim] Simulation
[MDP] Markov Decision Processes
[OPT-Prod] Optimal and Heuristic Policies for Production (Service & Mfg.), including Polling Systems
[SC] Stochastic Control
[OO] Online Optimization
[Opt] Optimization (usually integer or mixed integer)
[RO] Robust Optimization
[DRO] Distributionally Robust Optimization
[SP] Stochastic Programming
Full journal articles in refereed publications
- [ML] [Opt] [RO] [DRO] [Hops] Dean, A., A. Meisami, H. Lam, M.P. Van Oyen, C. Stromblad, N. Kastango, Quantile Regression Forests for Individualized Surgery Scheduling, appeared online (as of 8-17-22), Healthcare Management Science (HCMS) 2022.
- [OO] [Hops] [OPT-Prod] Mohammad Zhalechian, Esmaeil Keyvanshokooh, Cong Shi, Mark P. Van Oyen, Online Resource Allocation with Personalized Learning, Accepted at Operations Research. 2022
- [Hops] [SP] [DRO] Keyvanshokooh, E., P. Kazemian, M. Fattahy, M.P. Van Oyen, Coordinated and Priority- based Surgical Care: An Integrated Distributionally Robust Stochastic Optimization Approach, Production and Operations Management (POM) 31:4, 2022, 1-11.
- [MDM] [ML] M. Zhalechian, M.P. Van Oyen, M.S. Lavieri, C.G. De Moraes, C.A. Girkin, M.A. Fazio, R.N. Weinreb, C. Bowd, J.M. Liebman, L.M. Zangwill. C. A. Andrews, J.D. Stein, Augmenting Kalman Filter Machine Learning Models with Data from Optical Coherence Tomography to Predict Future Visual Field Loss. Ophthalmology Science 2:1, 2022, 1510-1535. DOI:
- [MDM] [ML] Jones. I.A., M.P. Van Oyen, M.S. Lavieri, C. Andrews, and J.D. Stein, Predicting rapid progression phases in glaucoma using a soft voting ensemble classifier exploiting Kalman filtering, Healthcare Management Science (HCMS), 2021. PMID: 33983565 doi:10.1007/s10729-021-09564-2
- [OPT-Prod] [MDP] Kim, E., and M.P. Van Oyen, “Joint admission, production sequencing, and production rate control for a two-class make-to-order manufacturing system” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 59, 2021, 413-425.
- [MDM] [ML] De Roos, L, Nitta, K., Lavieri, M. S., Van Oyen, M. P., Kazemian, P., Andrews, C. A., . . . Stein, J. D. (2020). Comparing Perimetric Loss at Different Target Intraocular Pressures for Patients with High-Tension and Normal-Tension Glaucoma. Ophthalmology. Glaucoma. doi:10.1016/j.ogla.2020.09.009
- [Hops] [Opt] Bam, M., Z. Zhang, B.T. Denton, M.G. Duck, and M.P. Van Oyen, “Planning Models for Skills-sensitive Surgical Nurse Staffing: A Case Study at a Large Academic Medical Center” IISE Trans. on Healthcare Systems Engr. 2020, DOI 10.1080/24725579.2020.1805050
- [MDM] [ML] Garcia, G.-G. P., C. Andrews, X. Liu, Van Oyen, M.P. Kass, M.A., Gordon, M.O., Stein, J.D., Accuracy of Kalman Filtering in Forecasting Visual Field and Intraocular Pressure Trajectory in Patients With Ocular Hypertension JAMA Ophthalmology 137:12, 2019 1416-1423.
- [Hops] [Opt] [Sim] Deglise-Hawkinson, J, David L. Kaufman, B.J. Roessler, and M.P. Van Oyen, Access Planning and Resource Coordination for Clinical Research Operations, IISE Transactions, 52:8, 2020. (NIHMS1543900 – PMID)
- [OO] [Hops] [OPT-Prod] Keyvanshokooh, E., C. Shi, and M.P. Van Oyen, Online advance scheduling with overtime: A primal-dual approach, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM), 2019. (Winner of Richard C. Wilson Best Student Paper Award on Service Systems, 2019.)
- [MDM] [SC] [ML] Kazemian, P., M.S. Lavieri, J.E. Helm, M.P. Van Oyen, and J.D. Stein “Dynamic Personalized Monitoring and Treatment Control of Glaucoma,” Production and Operations Management (POM), 28:5, 1082-1107, 2018
- Won 2015 IOE Katta Murty Prize for the Best Research Paper on Optimization,
- The potential for our research methods for Glaucoma decision support was showcased as the first of four most promising technologies presented at this year’s meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology 2015 meeting in Las Vegas, a meeting attended by over 20,000 ophthalmologists. This “Top Story” linked to L. Charters, “How EHR systems will play role in future of clinical decision-making,” Ophthalmology Times, 40:18, 32-33. (Nov. 1, 2015).
- [MDM] [ML] Garcia, G.-G. P., K. Nitta, M. S. Lavieri, C. Andrews, X. Liu, E. Lobaza, M. P. Van Oyen, K. Sugiyama, and J. D. Stein. Using Kalman Filtering to Forecast Disease Progression for Patients with Normal Tension Glaucoma. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 199, 111-119. 2019. PMID 30336130 doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2018.10.012
- [Hops] [Opt] Deglise-Hawkinson, J, J.E. Helm, T. Huschka, D. Kaufman, and M.P. Van Oyen, A Capacity Allocation Planning Model for Integrated Care and Access Management. Production and Operations Management (POM), 27:12, 2270-2290, 2018.
- [Hops] [Opt] Meisami, A., J. Deglise-Hawkinson, M. Cowen, and M.P. Van Oyen, “Optimal patient care resource allocation based on patient mortality risk and acuity,” Health Care Management Science (HCMS), 22:2, 318-335, 2018. https//
- [Log] [SP] [MDP] Parvin, H., S. Beygi, J.E. Helm, P.S. Larson, and M.P. Van Oyen, Distribution of Medication Considering Information, Transshipment, and Clustering: Malaria in Malawi, Production & Operations Management (POM), 27:4, 597-798, 2018,
- [SC] [ML] Kazemian, P., M.S. Lavieri, J.E. Helm, M.P. Van Oyen, C. Andrews, and J.D. Stein, Personalized Prediction of Glaucoma Progression Under Different Target Intraocular Pressure Levels Using Filtered Forecasting Methods, Ophthalmology, 125:4, 569-577, 2018 doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2017.10.033 PMID: 29203067
- [Hops] [Opt] Bam, M., B.T. Denton, and M.P. Van Oyen, “Surgery Scheduling with Recovery Resources,” IISE Transactions, 49:10 (2017)
- [Hops] [Opt] Kazemian, P., M.Y. Sir, M.P. Van Oyen, J. Lovely, D. Larson, K. Pasupathy, “Coordinating Clinic and Surgery Appointments to Meet Access Service Levels for Elective Surgery,” Jour. of Biomedical Informatics 66, 105-115, 2017. PMID: 27993748
- [Flex SCM] Saghafian, S., and M.P. Van Oyen “Compensating for Dynamic Supply Disruptions: Backup Flexibility Design,” Operations Research (OR), 64:2, 390-405, 2016. (Won 2012 IOE Richard Wilson Prize, Finalist in 2013 POMS Supply Chain College Best Student Paper Competition).
- [Flex-Ship] [MDP] F. Dong, J. Deglise-Hawkinson, M. P. Van Oyen, and D. J. Singer, Dynamic Control of a Closed Two-stage Queueing Network for Outfitting Process in Shipbuilding Computers & Operations Research 72, 1-11, 2016. 002
- [MDM] [ML] [Opt] Helm, J.E., M. Lavieri, D.C. Musch, J.D. Stein and M.P. Van Oyen, Dynamic forecasting and control algorithms of glaucoma progression for clinician decision support, Operations Research. 63:5, 979-999, 2015.
- [HOps] [MDP] [Sim] Helm, J.E., and M.P. Van Oyen, Design and Optimization Methods for Elective Hospital Admissions, Operations Research, 62:6, (2015) 1265-1282. (Won 1st prize POMS CHOM Best Paper; 2011 IOE Katta Murty Prize for the Best Research Paper on Optimization)
- [MDM] [ML] [Opt] Schell, J.G., M.S. Lavieri, J.E. Helm, X. Liu, D.C. Musch, M.P. Van Oyen, and J.D. Stein, Using Filtered Forecasting Techniques to Determine Personalized Monitoring Schedules for Patients with Open-Angle Glaucoma, Ophthalmology,121:8, (2014) 1539-46. PMID: 24704136 DOI: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2014.02.021
- [HOps] [MDP] [Sim] Saghafian, S., W. Hopp, M.P. Van Oyen, J.S. Desmond, and S. Kronick, Complexity-Augmented Triage: A Tool for Improving Patient Safety and Operational Efficiency, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM), 16:3, (2014) 329-45. DOI 10.1287/msom.2014.0487 (best paper in MSOM journal among all published in the prior three years (2013-2015); won First prize 2012 INFORMS MSOM student paper competition, won Univ. of Michigan College of Engineering 2011 Outstanding Ph.D. Research Award to advisee S. Saghafian, unanimously selected by the editors of the MSOM journal chosen as one of five representing the best work in MSOM, distributed to Deans and Department Heads to promote the journal).
- [Flex-Ship] Dong, F., M.P. Van Oyen, and D.J. Singer, Dynamic Control of a Flexible `N’ Production Shop with Application to Shipbuilding, International Journal of Production Research. 52:4, (2014) 967-984. DOI:10.1080/00207543.2013.827803
- [HOps] [Opt] Kazemian, P., Y. Dong, T.R. Rohleder, J.E. Helm, and M.P. Van Oyen, An IP-based Handoff-sensitive Shift Design Approach for Scheduling Critical Care Trainees, Health Care Management Science (HCMS), 17:1, (2014) 1-14. DOI: 10.1007/s10729-013-9237-z PMID: 23624640
- [MDP] Kim, E., S. Saghafian, and M.P. Van Oyen, Joint Control of Production and Disposal Activities in a Hybrid Manufacturing-Remanufacturing System, European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), 231. (2013) 337-348. DOI 10.1016/j.ejor.2013.05.052
- [Flex-Ship] F. Dong, J. Deglise-Hawkinson, M. P. Van Oyen, and D. J. Singer, “Analytical Approach to a Two-Stage Queueing Network for the Planning of Outfitting Processes in Shipbuilding,” Journal of Ship Production and Design 29:3, (2013) 136-41.
- [HOps] [MDP] [Sim] Saghafian, S., W. Hopp, M.P. Van Oyen, J.S. Desmond (M.D.), and S.L. Kronick (M.D.), Patient Streaming as a Mechanism for Improving Responsiveness in Emergency Departments, Operations Research 60:5, (2012) 1080-97. (Won INFORMS Pierskalla Award, Best Paper)
- [Flex SCM] [MDP] Iravani, S.M.R., B. Kolfal, and M.P. Van Oyen, Process Flexibility and Inventory Flexibility via Product Substitution, Flexible Services and Manufacturing (formerly the Int’l. Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems), 26: 3, (2014), 320-343, DOI 10.1007/s10696-01209142-7
- [Flex] Parvin, H., M.P. Van Oyen, D. Pandelis, D. Williams, and J. Lee, Fixed Task Zone Chaining: Worker Coordination and Zone Design for Inexpensive Cross-Training in Serial CONWIP Lines, IIE Transactions, 44:10, (2012) 894-914. DOI 10.1080/0740817X.2012.668264
- [Flex-SCM] [SP] Saghafian, S. and M.P. Van Oyen, The Value of Flexible Backup Suppliers and Disruption Risk Information: Newsvendor Analyses with Recourse, IIE Transactions, 44:10, (2012) 834-867.
- [Flex] Pandelis, D., and M.P. Van Oyen, Sample path optimal policies for serial lines with flexible workers, Journal of Applied Probability (JAP), 49:2, (2012) 582-589. DOI:
- [Flex] Saghafian, S., M.P. Van Oyen, and B. Kolfal, The `W’ Network and the Dynamic Control of Unreliable Flexible Servers, IIE Transactions, 43, (2011) 893-907. Winner of the 2010 IOE Department Katta Murty Prize for best paper on Optimization.
- [Flex] [Flex-SCM] Iravani, S.M.R., B. Kolfal, and M.P. Van Oyen, Capability Flexibility: A decision support methodology for production and service systems with flexible resources. IIE Transactions 43:5, (2011) 363-382.
- [Hops] [MDP] [Sim] Helm, J., S. AhmadBeygi, and M.P. Van Oyen, Design and Analysis of Hospital Admission Control for Operational Effectiveness, Production and Operations Management (POMS), 20:3, (2011) 359-374.
- [Flex-Ship] Dong, F., H. Parvin, M.P. Van Oyen, and D.J. Singer, Innovative Ship Block Assembly Production Control Utilizing a Flexible Curved Block Job Shop, Journal of Ship Production, 25:4, (2009) 1-8. DOI: 10.5957/jsp.2009.25.4.206
- [Flex] Tekin, E., W.J. Hopp, and M.P. Van Oyen, Pooling strategies for service center agent cross-training, IIE Transactions, 41:6, (2009) 546-561.
- [Flex] Gel, E.G.S., W. J. Hopp, and M.P. Van Oyen, Hierarchical cross-training in work-in-process-constrained systems, IIE Transactions, 39:2, (2007) 125-143. DOI:10.1080/07408170600729184
- [Flex] Iravani, S.M.R., B. Kolfal, and M.P. Van Oyen, Call center labor cross-training: It’s a small world after all, Management Science, Special Issue on Complex Systems 53:7, (2007) 1102-1112. DOI: 10.1287/mnsc.1060.0621
- [Flex] Sennott, L., M.P. Van Oyen, and S.M.R. Iravani, Optimal dynamic assignment of a flexible worker on an open production line with specialists, European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), 170:2, (2006) 541-566.
- [Flex] [Flex-SCM] Iravani, S.M.R., M.P. Van Oyen, and K.T. Sims, Structural flexibility: A new perspective on the design of manufacturing and service operations, Management Science, 51:2, (2005) 151-166.
- [Flex] Hopp, W.J., E. Tekin, and M.P. Van Oyen, Benefits of skill chaining in serial production lines with cross-trained workers, Management Science, 50:1, (2004) 83-98.
- [Flex] [Sim] Hopp, W.J. and M.P. Van Oyen, Agile workforce evaluation: A framework for cross-training and coordination, IIE Transactions, 36:10, (2004) 919-940.
- [Flex] [MDP] Gel, E.G.S., W. J. Hopp, and M.P. Van Oyen, Factors affecting opportunity of worksharing as a dynamic line balancing mechanism, IIE Transactions, 34:10, (2002) 847-863.
- [Flex] Van Oyen, M.P., E.G.S. Gel, and W.J. Hopp, Performance opportunity for workforce agility in collaborative and non-collaborative work systems, IIE Transactions, 33:9, (2001) 761-777.
- [OPT-Prod] [MDP] Kim, E. and M.P. Van Oyen, Finite-capacity multi-class production scheduling with setup times, IIE Transactions, 32:9, (2000) 807-818.
- [OPT-Prod] Van Oyen, M.P. and J. Pichitlamken, Properties of optimal weighted flowtime policies with a makespan constraint and set-up times, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (M&SOM), 2:1, (2000) 84-99. DOI 10.1287/msom.
- [MDP] Kim, E., M.P. Van Oyen, and M. Rieders, General dynamic programming algorithms applied to polling systems, Communications in Statistics: Stochastic Models, 14:5, (1998) 1197-1221.
- [OPT-Prod] [MDP] Kim, E. and M.P. Van Oyen, Dynamic scheduling to minimize lost sales subject to set-up costs, Queueing Systems: QUESTA, 29, (1998) 193-229.
- [OPT-Prod] [MDP] Kim, E. and M.P. Van Oyen, Beyond the cm rule: Dynamic scheduling of a two-class loss queue, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (MMOR) (formerly Zeitschrift fur Operations Research), 48:1, (1998) 17-36.
- [OPT-Prod] Van Oyen, M.P., I. Duenyas, and C.-Y. Tsai, Stochastic sequencing with job families, set-up times, and due dates, Int’l. Journal of Systems Science, 30:2 (1998) 175-181.
- [OPT-Prod] Van Oyen, M.P., Monotonicity of optimal performance measures for polling systems, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences (PEIS), 11:2, (1997) 219-228.
- [OPT-Prod] [MDP] Van Oyen, M.P. and D. Teneketzis, Optimal batch service of a polling system under partial information, ZOR-Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (formerly Zeitschrift fur Operations Research), 44:3, (1996) 401-419.
- [OPT-Prod] Duenyas, I. and M.P. Van Oyen, Heuristic scheduling of parallel heterogeneous queues with set-ups, Management Science, 42:6, (1996) 814-829.
- [OPT-Prod] Duenyas, I. and M.P. Van Oyen, Stochastic scheduling of parallel queues with set-up costs, Queueing Systems (QUESTA), 19, (1995) 421-444.
- [OPT-Prod] Van Oyen, M.P. and D. Teneketzis, Optimal stochastic scheduling of forest networks with switching penalties, Advances in Applied Probability, 26, (1994) 474-497. doi:10.2307/1427447
- [OPT-Prod] Van Oyen, M.P., D.G. Pandelis, and D. Teneketzis, Optimality of index policies for stochastic scheduling with switching penalties, Journal of Applied Probability, 29, (1992) 957-966. doi:10.2307/3214727
- [OPT-Prod] Van Oyen, M.P. and D. Teneketzis, Optimal scheduling of a finite capacity shuttle under delayed information, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences (PEIS), 6, (1992) 29-61.
Shorter Communications, Letters, Notes, or Briefs in Refereed Publications
- [HOps] Saghafian, S., W.J. Hopp, and M.P. Van Oyen, Complexity-Based triage: A Tool for Improving patient safety and operational efficiency: An extended abstract, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (M&SOM), 15:1, (2013) 160.
- [Flex] Hopp, W.J., S.M.R. Iravani, and M.P. Van Oyen, Introduction to the Special Issue on Workforce Agility, IIE Transactions, 36:10, (2004) 915-917.
- [Flex] Tekin, E., W.J. Hopp, and M.P. Van Oyen, Benefits of skill chaining in production lines with cross-trained workers: An extended abstract, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (M&SOM), 4:1, (2002) 17-20.
Submitted Journal Papers
- [HOps] [ML+Opt] Dean, A., M. Zhalechian, M.P. Van Oyen Dynamic Care Unit Placements under Unknown Demand with Learning, submitted 2022
- [HOps] [RO] Keyvanshokooh, E., M. Fattahi, MP. Van Oyen, K.A. Freedberg, P. Kazemian (2020), Data-driven adaptive robust optimization for resource sharing during a pandemic: Application to COVID-19, Under Revision. Available at SSRN: (collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School).
- [HOps] [ML+Opt] Keyvanshokooh, E., M. Zhalechian, C. Shi, M.P. Van Oyen, and P. Kazemian, Contextual learning with online convex optimization: Theory and application to chronic diseases. Minor Revision at Management Science 2022. Available at SSRN: (collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard.) Finalist (winner pending) Best Student Paper Award, 2022, POMS CHOM; Finalist Best Student Paper Award, 2021 INFORMS Health Applications Society (HAS); Finalist, INFORMS Decision Analysis Society (DAS) Best Student Paper, 2020. Winner of Katta G. Murty Best Student Paper Award on Optimization, 2020.
- [HOps] [OO] Zhalechian, M., E. Keyvanshokooh, C. Shi, MP. Van Oyen (2020), Personalized Hospital Admission Control: A Contextual Learning Approach, 3rd round review at Operations Research
- [HOps] [Opt] Liu, Y., P. Shi, J.E. Helm, M.P. Van Oyen, L. Ying, T. Huschka, Coordinated Care: Capacity Allocation to Improve Itinerary Completion in Queueing Networks, under review.
Selected Working Papers/Technical Reports
- [MDM] [ML+Opt] Jones, I.A., N. Bommakanti, E. Keyvanshokooh, M.P. Van Oyen, M.S. Lavieri, C. Andrews, C. Johnson, M. O. Gordon, M.A. Kass, JD Stein, Predictive modeling of conversion to POAG in the OHTS study. Working Paper.
- [HOps] [ML] Meisami, A., C. Stromblad, N. Kastango, M.P. Van Oyen, R.S. Wilson, and N.R. Abu-Rustum, Towards individualized care delivery planning: Big data analytics and surgical case duration. Working paper,
- [MDM] [ML] E. Keyvanshokooh, D.Felipe Otero-Leon, MP. Van Oyen, M. Lavieri, C. Andrew, J. Stein (2020), Prediction of progression to open-angle glaucoma by machine learning for patients in the ocular hypertension treatment study, Working paper.
- [HOps] [DRO] Zhalechian, M., E. Keyvanshokooh, and M.P. Van Oyen, A distributionally robust capacity planning model for optimizing access delay in surgical services under limited information. Working paper
- [MDM] [ML]N. Bommakanti, I.A. Jones, M.P Van Oyen, M.S. Lavieri, Chris Andrews, C. Johnson, M.O. Gordon, M.A. Kass, J.D. Stein, A comparison of VF criteria for assessing conversion to POAG in the OHTS study. Working Paper. (collaboration with Kellogg Eye Center).
- Sharma, S., V. Babich, D. Teneketzis, and M.P. Van Oyen, A decentralized mechanism implementing in Nash equilibria the optimal centralized solution of a supply-chain problem, Working paper.
- [MDP]Saghafian, S., M.P. Van Oyen, and E. Kim, Optimal control of production and refurbishment activities: a Markov decision process model, Working Paper
- [MDP]Parvin, H., H-S. Ahn, and M.P. Van Oyen, Control policies for the n-network with impatient customers and finite buffers,Technical Report